形而上畫廊1989年10月開幕名為吸引力畫廊,1992年11月更名為形而上畫廊。20年來,以寫美術史的心情來經營藝術家,有系列地介紹台灣美術史上各藝術家的作品風格與演進,並成立「影像電腦藝術蓃尋中心」,首開臺灣畫廊使用電腦影像的先驅。值得欣慰的是,台灣藝術界最高榮譽的“國家文藝獎”,迄至第八屆,形而上畫廊的藝術家已然榮登三位,鄭善禧 (第一屆1997)、王攀元 (第五屆2001)、陳其寬 (第八屆2004)。除了推薦優秀藝術家外,我們更會策劃主題特展與歷史性的百年大展。不論是畫廊形象、經營理念,皆受到美術專業領域的尊重與推崇。
2007年10月舉辦「Animamix~3rd Life 4th Dimension動漫美學新世紀特展」推薦美國、日本、韓國、中國、台灣等具二十一世紀動漫美學風格的藝術家,指標性地預言動漫美學時代的來臨。是形而上畫廊邁向國際,引領當代藝術新風潮的啟步。2008年以來,形而上畫廊以舉辦國際當代藝術展覽為主,專注在Animamix藝術的發衍。我們希望以宏觀的視野,前瞻的眼光,專業的展覽,來實踐台灣與國際藝術交流的平台。
In October 1989, we were first open as Magnet Art Gallery and later changed the name into Metaphysical Art Gallery in November 1992. For the past 20 years, we promote and manage artists in a careful manner, as if we are writing this country's art history and systematically introduced various local artists and how the art world in Taiwan has developed itself. Also we established a “Computer Image Search Center” at the same time and became the first gallery to introduce computer images. And what delights us is that we have three out of eight winners of “National Award for Arts” so far, which is regarded the highest honor to an artist in Taiwan. They are Zheng Shan-xi (1997, the first year), Wang Pan-youn (2001, the fifth year) and Chen Ci-kwan (2004, the eighth year). Besides recommending the fine artists, we also contrive theme extraordinary and historical centennial exhibitions. Our company image and managing concept is highly respected and praised by the art professional.
In October 2007, we held “3rd Life 4th Dimension International Animamix Exhibition” to recommend the contemporary Animamix artists from America, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan, etc. And the show foretold the coming of Animamix era and became an index. From 2008 to the present, Metaphysical Art Gallery has been focusing on the international contemporary art exhibitions and putting much attention on the development of Animamix. We hope to practice Taiwan and international art exchange with wide version, professional insight, and essential exhibition.
Metaphysical Art Gallery knows very well what the duty of a gallery is in the market and for art trend. Some say that there's no turning back in the art world. Success and immortality only goes to those who can endure the test of time. We think this is true for artists and true for galleries too.