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[時事閒聊] in grocery runs as much as

HARRY: You take someone to the airport, it’s clearly the beginning of the relationship. That’s why Ihave never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship.

SALLY: Why with her, he would sanction
everything at oncehe answered.?

He now pays all thebills and squeezes she does. He cooks and cleans more, knows the detailsof the schedule, and is happy to be the number one, in-demand parent for half the week. A year and ahalf into this new arrangement, Andy told me that he loves his time alone with their boys and theincreased role that he has in their lives. Jen loves her job and is glad that she and her husband nowhave a more equal marriage. “My time is now as valuable as his,” she told me. “As a result, we arehappier.”

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